So, we are all familiar with the phrase "New year new me", everyone says it, but do they actually mean it? Find out why I am not going to say it this year.
This year I am going to say "New year Better me".The only way that I can improve myself, is to set and accomplish my goals.When I sat down to think about my goals I couldn't think of anything. Turns out I was racking my brain for a super inspirational goal, which realistically won't happen.That is when I thought that these goals can be small like making sure I keep in contact with people, for example.The following are the goals that I want to achieve this year;
- Read 12 books.This one is quite self-explanatory.I always neglect books, and social media always distracts me.When I didn't have a phone for about 3 weeks because it was broken, I didn't realize how much spare time I had which leads me on to my second point...
- "Put the Phone down".This is more of a mantra to live by sometimes you do just need to put the phone down.Maybe if I am getting a bit stressed or really need to do some course work, I can just take a break.
- Workout regularly and eat healthily.Everybody has probably made this a goal, but I feel I have really neglected my body these past years
- Knuckle down on my blog.With a new blog, I really want to focus on growing it bigger and getting people to view my content as well as produce unique content.
- Really focus in school for my exams. Having really important exams coming up is patronising and I want to do my very best in these exams.
I'm excited for what the new year has to offer me . What are your goals ?
So inspirational